
    Carmel O❜llivan(卡梅尔·奥沙利文)女士

    2024.02.09 | admin | 91次围观

      Practical Guide to Planning Drama in Education 主编,抓马宝贝国际教育顾问,爱尔兰都柏林圣三一学院教育系及艺术教育研究小组的主任Carmel O'Sullivan(卡梅尔·奥沙利文)女士为河南师大莎剧社录了一个鼓励视频:

      Hello, to all the loving students in the HeNan Normal University, this is Carmel O'Sullivan, speaking to you from Trinity College Dublin, in Ireland. I have been so impressed to see some of the videoes that you have made of your theater performance around Shakespare. I can not tell you about the quality of your work. It ' s so inspiring to see what you ' re doing to the characterisation, to the way that you represent the deep meaning of Shakespare ' s work. Shakespare has always been the great favorite of mine大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. I ' ve been studing Shakespare all through my life and see the value of Shakespare ' s stories. Now as much as they were at their own time, they really speak to us about the universal situations, universal characters, what happens in good and evil, and in not so clear wariness. So the work you ' re doing is to be really recommended. That reaching into yourself, that creativity and that sharing with others are extremely important parts of what we' re doing in drama and theater performance. Here, at the University of  Dublin Trinity College in Ireland , a lot of what we do is a performance of nature, but the work I particularly focus on with the students is using wonderful play rights, like Shakespare, in the educational capacity. So using drama and educational approaches with Shakespare, with some of the contemporaries, some around the time also, we bring those situations, those real scenarios to life through drama in their classrooms. So I look forward to seeing more of the work you ' re doing in the future. MA Ling has always been keeping me up to date about the amazing works going on and I hope, in the future, to share some of those opportunities.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

      亲爱的河南师范大学学生们,你们好,我是来自爱尔兰都柏林大学三一学院的卡梅尔·奥沙利文。我看过你们在莎士比亚剧院演出的一些视频,给我留下了深刻的印象。你们的演出水平妙不可言。你们对人物的理解和表现,以及如何展现莎士比亚作品的深层意义,都十分令人鼓舞。莎士比亚一直是我的最爱。我一生都在研究莎士比亚的作品,慢慢认识到莎士比亚故事的价值。这些故事虽然发生在他们的时空中,却向我们讲述了世上最普遍的状况和人性,世间善恶,以及意料之外的事。因此,你们所做的值得赞扬大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。你们深入了解自己,你们的创造力和与无私分享的精神,都是是我们在戏剧和戏剧表演中极重要的部分。在爱尔兰都柏林大学三一学院,我们做的很多事情都是展现天性,但是我对学生特别关注的一点就是他们要在教育能力中拥有美妙的表演权利,比如表演莎士比亚戏剧。所以,我们和莎士比亚一起,和一些同时代的人一起,也和一些当时的人一起,通过戏剧和教育把普遍的现象和真实的生活场景带入课堂。我期待你们未来更好的表现。马令一直帮助我跟进你们的工作,非常希望将来可以合作。

    Carmel O❜llivan(卡梅尔·奥沙利文)女士

    Carmel O❜llivan(卡梅尔·奥沙利文)女士


